SME Challenges: The Low-Value Trap

Multiple Internal Challenges prevent SMEs from accessing the capital and know how required to reach scale. This affects profitability - which in turn poses a risk to their survival.

Absence of scale threatens sustainability 

Break Out:

Sustainable expansion requires simultaneous work on all aspects of the business.

Know-How must accompany Capital.

Building Scale:


Businesses need to transform to register sustainable growth.

Businesses transform in discrete steps or orbital jumps.

A successful orbital jump requires that all relevant activities progress in a synchronised manner. Omissions result in sub-optimal Outcomes and a waste of resources.

Broad Approach:

Identify distinct stages of business transformation.

Enumerate activities and necessary conditions for implementing each stage of transformation.

Determine resource requirements.

Organise Resources.

Related Reading:


Development Funding


The Ideal IPO Candidate